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There is somthing about movies that draws every being alive to them. Some thrill of seeing the imposible being done that every one wants to witness. And though any intelegent person will tell you that a good old book is better then a movie. Even They (Books) fall to the big screen glammor. The followings that Films bring are amazing and almost cult like. Most people get to a point where battles are fought over defferent opinions of a Movie.
Why are the so Glorious? Well it's a simple drive that most Humans have. Glory. The fine men and women who create these Films are idolized in an industry and even given a place to call there own (Hollywood). And the beings that flock to the theaters to see these marvels are only wishing that they could be the "Hero" as well. I love the Movies. Every thing about it thrills me. To the taste of the popcorn to the months of production and hard work into a five second shot. Movies are a SavHaven for the mind, a place where normal people can score the winning touchdown or slay the evil beast. It's not real, and we all know that. But everyone wishes that for just 60 min. They could be that knight in shining armor or that Star Quarterback. Me all i want to be is that Charming Secret Agent who gets all the Girls and the Glammor.

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