Warren Ellis, writer of comicbooks and other such items.

2 Conversations

Warren Ellis writes comics and, unlike other comic-book authors such as Alan Moore and Grant Morrison, does not appear to be as mad as a baloon.

His bibliography is quite impressive and can be found at http://www.fourteenseconds.com/warrenbib.html

Current projects (as of 02/06/03) consist of:
Global Frequency, 12 stories centered around a semi-covert crisis response team published by Wildstorm. http://www.wildstorm.com
Scars, a crime-genre story dealing with a detective trying to track down a child killer published by Avatar Press. http://www.avatarpress.com
Reload, a 3-part miniseries about secret agents, crime and the White House also published by Wildstorm under their Cliffhanger label.

Other works of note are:
Transmetropolitan, Strange Kiss / Strange Killings, Mek and Atmospherics. He has also written for Hellblazer, Stormwatch and The Authority.

Warren Ellis lives in Southend, a costal town in Essex, England. This may contradict the "not a mad as a baloon" theory.
His homepage can be found at http://www.warrenellis.com and his blog at http://www.diepunyhumans.com. He also write BAD SIGNAL, an email newsletter which can be subscribed to through his homepage.

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