A Partridge in a Pear Tree

8 Conversations

Welcome to h2g2's attempt to decipher the mystery that is the song 'The 12 Days of Christmas'. You've come to the page that is concentrating on the line A Partridge In A Pear Tree, and here's what our Researchers came up with when we asked them what on earth this line meant.

  • One Researcher reckoned that this line was actually modified from the original1 following David Cassidy's2 rendition of the song during a Christmas TV special. The props department couldn't find the traditional oak, and had to make do with a pear tree instead, so they amended the line to reflect the change of tree and David's presence in it. Er...

  • On the other hand, 'Partridge in a Pear Tree' sounds distinctly like an English pub name, the sort that would have a glowing fire, warm ale and a genuine Christmas tree tucked away in the corner. Ah, English pubs - what a seasonal delight.

  • Another Researcher reckoned that 'Partridge and Pear Tree' sounded like a flavour of bath salts, the kind that might be marketed by someone like Crabtree & Evelyn3.

1Which, according to another Researcher, read 'A wild boar in an oak tree', a fact that is, well, debatable.2Yes, he of The Partridge Family - can you see where this is going yet?3A delightfully English company that produces wonderful toiletries with names like Savannah Gardens and Spring Rain - your granny won't be able to resist!

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