h2g2 Post 22.04.04

2 Conversations

Posted: 22nd April 2004


New Talent, Fond Farewells and Anticipated Celebrations!

Hey all you groovy Post Readers, have you ever thought about turning your talented little hands to writing for us? We are drooling in anticipation just thinking about new ideas, new writers and new articles, and we will always have space in whichever section of your h2g2 newspaper that you think would suit you. Join our talented poets or cartoonists, write about interesting things that happen to you, tell us what you enjoy or don't enjoy come to that. The Post is your paper, made for you, by you, for everyone to enjoy. So if you have something to say, here's the place to say it. Froopy opinions, hoopy thoughts and totally bonkers plots? Let us know your ideas, and we'll let you know what we think of them. Yes really!!!

So who do we say 'fair thee well' to you ask and, sadly, I have to tell you that it's the very last Sporting With Egon this week. Sadly again, Egon missed the 'send off' party that Shazz and I had arranged, but we still both had a great time and wished him well over a glass of something both cool and satisfying. Hopefully we can tempt Egon back at a later date with something new, but until that day arrives, I know you would all like to wish him well, and if you have a spare moment why not drop round to today's article and tell him how much his hard work has been appreciated during the past two years.

Finally the Anticipated Celebrations. Well for those that don't know, h2g2's fifth birthday arrives with much fanfare and jollity on Wednesday 28th April. Yes folks that's next week, and you still haven't gone out and bought a present. Shame on you!!!!

Well for all those who have no idea what to get the website with everything, why not celebrate with us by sending in your thoughts about what h2g2 means to you. The best places to hang out, the best guide entries, the nicest people, tell us all about it. Share your discoveries about the great community that is h2g2. Wouldn't that make the just perfect present for the one you love?

Share and Enjoy!!

Greebo T. Cat


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