Kennet Square, Pennsylvania

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Kennet Square, PA, is a quiet little town, pleasant and unobtrusive. It has a nice Main Street filled with thriving shops. All in all, it ought to be just what the rural homeowner is looking for. Unofrtunately, Kennet Square has a claim to fame that tarnishes this sleepy-exurb image. It is the (self-proclaimed) Mushroom Capitol of the World. What's wrong with this, you ask? Only that mushrooms are fungi, and like to grow on surfaces that are rotten. The special ingredients used in the countless mushroom farms around Kennet Square give off a stench that permeates the entire town. In ever street and into every home comes the acrid tang of decay, as if everyone in the town had died several days previously. Sometimes, a claim to fame can be a double-edged sword. Enjoy your mushrooms, but be warned if you wish to live near mushroom farms.

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