Bennington, New Hampshire, USA

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Town Website

Typical small town. Downtown consists of a library, a country store, a garage, a town hall/police station, fire department, a school, and two churches. There's a small ski area about three minutes out of town. Route 202 runs through the town and there's a small gas-station/convenience store called Harris's along the highway.

Bennington Volunteer Fire Department

The fire department is a two story brick and clapboard building. Downstairs is a three engine garage, with a garage for the rescue vehicle in the back. The Bennington department has two fire engines, a rescue vehicle, and a brushfire truck.

G.E.P. Dodge Library

Library books on a shelf
The library is a two story, red brick building. The second story (really an attic) is used for storing books and no-one is allowed up there. There is a tiny bathroom in the unfinished basement and the rest of the basement is used for storing everything else. They lack enough space for all the books, and are trying to get an expansion. - Library Website

Bennington Country Store

A small one-story store with a postal box and a pay-phone out front. It sells standard stuff - cigarettes, candy, drinks and food. It's got an okay deli in the back and also a bunch of P.O. boxes. The store seems to change owners every year, and the products and prices change with them.

Pierce Elementary School

The school is a two story, brick building, with a one story wing of classrooms and a gymnasium/cafeteria in back of the school. It's a small school, with only one class for each grade (1-4), and a kindergarten. The current principal is Pamela Mathews. - School Website

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