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Upcoming and Proposed Meets

Spring meet 2004 (unofficial)
Friday 7th to Monday 10th May 2004 is the confirmed date.

Where? Butlins, Bognor Regis.

Why? Alcohol!... and just one evening is never enough! As well as the usual site facilities it is 'Disco inferno' weekend!! Cost will be approximately £50 per person silver standard self catering.We are also arranging a 'shopping kitty' to keep costs of eating out down and more money for alcohol! Potential attendees now number 17. All those interested should visit the Spring Meet 2004 (unofficial) page.


The London Summer Meet!!!

Yes, it's that time of year again (or at least it will be) - it's The Great, Marvelous, exotically spiffing, H2G2 London Summer Meet 20041! The date is now confirmed as 10th July. More details can be found here or just sign-up and join the other 36 (or so) would-be attendants.


Other Potential Meets to Keep an Eye On!!!
Return of the Deuchars? (Nottingham), York and The South West

No firm dates as yet for these and no pages set up but discussions about these proposed Meets can be found at the following (rather quiet) threads:
Return of the Deuchars?
The South West



The purpose of this Entry is to provide a Zone for Researchers to inform each other of their free time and movements so that they can hopefully find out when and where all or some of them can meet up in the future with the minimum of inconvenience to enjoy each other's company out there in the real world.


Whatever else you do this week, be sure to drop along to Clear Sign to read about John Ridgeway and team who are fighting to save the albatross. Easy links are provided to all the information and the petition which we hope you will all sign.


Did you know that Douglas Adams' computer was recently sold on ebay and is reputed to still hold many files of unpublished material? If not, then you haven't visited the Douglas Adams Continuum site set up by Duke of Dunstable.


TheWe Didn't Start The Fire compilation entry is now nearing completion and this has generated so much interest that we not only see more projects proposed in the Collaborative Writing Workshop but also the return of 'The Topic of the Week'.

This week the subject is Open Source Software and you are all invited to call in and comment on how 'free' is 'free'.

New Clubs

Evil Army of H2G2

The Evil Army of H2G2 is an army dedicated to the domination, either forcefully or diplomaticly, of the Universe/Multi-verse/Aniverse...ary/Anyother-verse. It is led by the Founding Four(EvilClaw, SuperMoo, Draco, The Overmind).


Shadow Realm

This is a realm of complete nonsense for rambling, we also do the fair amount of evil plotting too... Everyone welcome!

Contact Luthiena if you want to know more.


The Hitchhikers Hotel

Relax in our lavish hotel if you need to take a break from your PS. Visit our restaurant, bar, pool and many more places of interest.
The HHH Management is waiting to serve you.


This club is for your eyes only, : The h2g2 Spy Society!
Engage in excitingly secret missions! Make sure the bad guys don't take over the world! Spy on people! Skenvoy is ready to accept your membership ASAP (as secretly as possible).


h2g2 Friends of Tibet

The idea of this society is, first of all, to provide a meeting place for Researchers who share concern for Tibet. Secondly, it also provides information about the Tibet issue. Thirdly, the society proposes that the Dalai Lama's message of peace should be examined as a practical alternative to violence and armed conflict. Features include: Tibet News, Chronology, Tibet Tourism, and a Guestbook. John-the-gardener would appreciate you coming out to join.


Non-Christians for Sexual Abstinence

In Western nations, especially the US, Christian groups have turned the idea of abstinence into a Christian topic; they've promoted it as part of Christianity to the point where anyone who practices it is assumed to be some sort of conservative Christian.

As a non-Christian who intends to practice virginity until (and after, of course) death, I find this a bit annoying.

Thus I'm setting up this as a place for non-Christians who chose to practice absinence (and Christians who do so for non-religious reasons) to post their views and support for the idea.

Animated by Lemon Blossom.



The Post Links Page points you towards the best of h2g2. Everything from information and campaigns to eating and drinking venues, virtual lands or clubs.

The Post Archives are a repository for all things Post related. Divided into easy-to-use categories, they get bigger at a frightening pace. Well worth a visit, whether to re-read a favourite article or catch up on something you missed.


All entries for this feature should be mailed to Shazz

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