The h2g2 Poem

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For Anyone Who's Sad...

Sometimes life can be a bitch,

It kicks you when you're down.

No matter how you try to smile,

It leaves you with a frown.

You see no point in getting up,

No point in going on.

Whichever way you look at it,

The whole thing just seems wrong.

You muddle through, you have to,

Though you really can't see why

Everything seems so unfair.

It makes you sit and cry.

I know there's often little

That a friend can do or say,

To sort a situation out,

Make hurting go away.

But maybe for a little while,

They'll take your mind away

From problems or the heartache,

That have brought you down this way.

I know that I'm not always here,

I've work, and kids, and wife.

But while I'm free I'll listen

To your troubles and your strife.

If I'm online I promise

I'm a friend you can rely on.

When things are bad, I'll offer you

A shoulder you can cry on.

I'll offer you a cyber-hug,

And maybe raise a smile.

With a little inane chatter -

A diversion for a while.

So if you're feeling really down,

And you've had more than you can take,

Never fear, cos Moonhogg's here,

With Captain Coffee Break!

It may not be the answer

That can make your problems end.

But this is just to let you know,

That I will be your friend.

smiley - birosmiley - birosmiley - biro

Poetry by Various Contributors


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