Newport, Rhode Island

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Newport, Rhode Island.
Located on the tip of an Island reaching out into the Atlantic Ocean, Newport's best tourist attraction is its nature. A mile-long walking trail along the ocean and cliffs called Cliff Walk is a perfect day well spent. On the right side are the backyards of some of the most magnificent mansions ever built, the summer homes of the rich and famous who discovered Newport in the 1890's, like the Vanderbilts.

Many of the homes are now museums open to the public, including new this year, the home of Doris Duke, the billionairess who died in the
early 90's.

Newport is a seaport town, with lots of boats and harbors. Once one gets over the horrible parking situation -best to park out of downtown and put up with a walk in, one can spend the whole day strolling along the beautiful parks and boatyards, with lots of pubs and restaurants. Thames Street, Americas Cup Avenue, and Memorial Boulevard are the main locations of fun in the summer. Bellvue Avenue is a drive worth a million photos, and follow the road along as
it meets up with Ocean Drive.

Best to stop in at the conveniently located Info Center near the bus station.

I worked at a downtown hotel for 3 summers and Newport in July and August is a happening place.

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