Pictures: Health

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To use any of the following pictures in Guide Entries or on your Personal Space, simply cut and paste the GuideML shown next to each picture, and include this in your entry or Personal Space Introduction. To find out more on writing entries in GuideML, we recommend you take a look at the GuideML Clinic.

An hourglass.<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" SHADOW="None" H2G2IMG="lifeexpectancy.jpg" ALT="An hourglass."/>
A bandaged hand<PICTURE embed="CENTER" shadow="None" blob="B5543626" ALT="A bandaged hand"/>
A woman with necrotizing<br/>
EMBED="CENTER" blob="B3170766" ALT="A woman with necrotizing
The intestines<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" BLOB="B134424" ALT="The intestines"/>
The symbol of caduceus used to signify the medical profession<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" BLOB="B120247" ALT="The symbol of caduceus used to signify the medical profession"/>
A set of teeth chattering<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" BLOB="B399669" ALT="A set of teeth chattering"/>
Mouth feeling horrible due to excess drinking<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" BLOB="B41772" ALT="Mouth feeling horrible due to excess drinking"/>
The inside of a head and the outside of a head<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" BLOB="B51578" ALT="The inside of a head and the outside of a head"/>
The effects of Dopamine on the brain<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" BLOB="B93065" ALT="The effects of Dopamine on the brain"/>
Zzzzzz<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" BLOB="B82975" ALT="Zzzzzz"/>
Man asleep on a park bench<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" BLOB="B140499" ALT="Man asleep on a park bench"/>
A heart aflutter<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" BLOB="B80927" ALT="A heart aflutter"/>
The mind under a magnifying glass<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" BLOB="B86193" ALT="The mind under a magnifying glass"/>
Pyramid showing humanistic theory<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" BLOB="B86198" ALT="Pyramid showing humanistic theory"/>
A smiling bald man with big lipstick kisses on his head<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" BLOB="B523462" ALT="A smiling bald man with big lipstick kisses on his head"/>
An outline of a woman doing a yoga position and a few good things that will help you gain a long and healthy life<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" BLOB="B558480" ALT="An outline of a woman doing a yoga position and a few good things that will help you gain a long and healthy life"/>
A child actor<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" BLOB="B97031" ALT="A child actor"/>
A head louse in a washing machine<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" BLOB="B724804" ALT="A head louse in a washing machine"/>
A head louse being sucked up into a vacuum cleaner<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" BLOB="B724809" ALT="A head louse being sucked up into a vacuum cleaner"/>
Someone in agony with headache; gets relief when hole is drilled in skull! <PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" BLOB="B793491" ALT="Someone in agony with headache; gets relief when hole is drilled in skull!"/>
A tape measure<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" BLOB="B847827" ALT="A tape measure"/>
Lovely woman putting in a contact lens; going cross-eyed and winking<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" BLOB="B965705" ALT="Lovely woman putting in a contact lens; going cross-eyed and winking"/>
Picture of girl with headache; bottle of Aspirin superimposed on top.<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" BLOB="B1322587" ALT="Picture of girl with headache; bottle of Aspirin superimposed on top."/>
Young person about to have a brain scan.<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" BLOB="B1333760" ALT="Young person about to have a brain scan."/>
A baby holding a bottle of baby oil.<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" BLOB="B2866498" ALT="A baby holding a bottle of baby oil."/>
bald child with lock of hair<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" blob="B3165422" alt="bald child with lock of hair"/>
A hypodermic needle and a vial<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" blob="B3276881" alt="A hypodermic needle and a vial"/>
Syringe against ECG background<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" blob="B2949311" ALT="Syringe against ECG background"/>
A human, a strand of DNA and a human-octopus hybrid<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" BLOB="B3065955" ALT="A human, a strand of DNA and a human-octopus hybrid"/>
A doctor treats an accident-prone child<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" blob="B3916661" ALT="A doctor treats an accident-prone child"/>

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