Pictures: Films and TV

7 Conversations

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Martin Sheen as Josiah Bartlet, US President in TV series 'The West Wing'.<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" H2G2IMG="westwing.jpg" ALT="Martin Sheen as Josiah Bartlet, US President in TV series 'The West Wing'."/>
The phantom flan-flinger from Tiswas.<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" H2G2IMG="tiswas.gif" ALT="The phantom flan-flinger from Tiswas."/>
The Master of Suspense, film director Alfred Hitchcock.<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" H2G2IMG="alfredhitchcock.jpg" ALT="The Master of Suspense, film director Alfred Hitchcock."/>
An audience in a cinema.<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" H2G2IMG="aspectratio.jpg" ALT="An audience in a cinema."/>
Child actress Shirley Temple.<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" H2G2IMG="shirleytemple.jpg" ALT="Child actress Shirley Temple."/>
Actress Mollie Sugden, singing her heart out, from 'Are You Being Served'.<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" H2G2IMG="survivingconcerts.jpg" ALT="Actress Mollie Sugden, singing her heart out, from 'Are You Being Served'."/>
Marty and Jeff from the TV show Randall and Hopkirk Deceased<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" H2G2IMG="randallandhopkirk.jpg" ALT="Marty and Jeff from the TV show Randall and Hopkirk Deceased"/>
A street sign for Ramsay Street.<PICTURE embed="CENTER" shadow="None" blob="B5667379" ALT="A street sign for Ramsay Street."/>
Peter Falk as Detective Columbo.<PICTURE embed="CENTER" shadow="None" H2G2IMG="columbo.gif" ALT="Peter Falk as Detective Columbo."/>
Faith and Buffy, the Vampire Slayers<PICTURE embed="CENTER" shadow="None" blob="B5130047" ALT="Faith and Buffy, the Vampire Slayers"/>
A caricature of Bing Crosby.<PICTURE embed="CENTER" shadow="None" H2G2IMG="bingcrosby.jpg" ALT="A caricature of Bing Crosby."/>
A remote control.<PICTURE embed="CENTER" shadow="None" blob="B5479429" ALT="A remote control."/>
A film camera and some stars<PICTURE embed="CENTER" shadow="None" blob="B5442450" ALT="A film camera and some stars"/>
Quentin Tarantino.<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" shadow="None" blob="B5214119" ALT="Quentin Tarantino."/>
The Wicker Man with the face of Nuada visible through the flames<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" shadow="None" blob="B2557848" ALT="The Wicker Man with the face of Nuada visible through the flames" />/>
Yankee Doodle.<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" shadow="None" blob="B5291579" ALT="Yankee Doodle."/>
A man in the cross-hairs of a rifle.<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" BLOB="B4890479" ALT="A man in the cross-hairs of a rifle."/>
A frightened boy.<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" BLOB="B4818122" ALT="A frightened boy."/>
A 'film noir' scene of a woman smoking in a dimly-lit room<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" BLOB="B4779218" ALT="A 'film noir' scene of a woman smoking in a dimly-lit room"/>
A horse and man riding the waves<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" BLOB="B2284556" ALT="A horse and man riding the waves"/>
The A Team van<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" BLOB="B315038" ALT="The A Team van"/>
Greta Garbo<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" BLOB="B407594" ALT="Greta Garbo"/>
Aleksander Sokurov<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" BLOB="B374902" ALT="Aleksander Sokurov"/>
Advertising<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" BLOB="B186044" ALT="Advertising"/>
The BBC doesn't allow advertising<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" BLOB="B201655" ALT="The BBC doesn't allow advertising"/>
A film projector and a screen<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" BLOB="B221105" ALT="A film projector and a screen"/>
A film strip<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" BLOB="B182626" ALT="A film strip"/>
TV blooper shows<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" BLOB="B223216" ALT="TV blooper shows"/>
Stealing shingle<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" BLOB="B299855" ALT="Stealing shingle"/>
Film strip of Lola running<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" BLOB="B420850" ALT="Film strip of Lola running"/>
Three women waiting to do a screen test<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" BLOB="B61490" ALT="Three women waiting to do a screen test"/>
Popcorn<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" BLOB="B119288" ALT="Popcorn"/>
Film strips<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" BLOB="B80844" ALT="Film strips"/>
A graphic combining a film projector, a cross and a bag of money<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" BLOB="B73781" ALT="A graphic combining a film projector, a cross and a bag of money"/>
A man's face in a paw print<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" BLOB="B896571" ALT="A man's face in a paw print"/>
An old-style camera on an open book<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" BLOB="B908456" ALT="An old-style camera on an open book"/>
A TV, microphone and a fox tail<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" BLOB="B1015213" ALT="A TV, microphone and a fox tail"/>
A magnolia in a strip of film<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" BLOB="B1079609" ALT="A magnolia in a strip of film"/>
Sign saying 'Welcome to Royston Vasey - You'll never leave!', looking down on the town itself.<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" BLOB="B1231944" ALT="Sign saying 'Welcome to Royston Vasey - You'll never leave!', looking down on the town itself."/>
A poster of a film entitled 'Attack of the Killer Dummies'.<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" BLOB="B1418379" ALT="A poster of a film entitled 'Attack of the Killer Dummies'."/>
A homage to Richard O'Brien and 'The Crystal Maze'<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" BLOB="B1454899" ALT="A homage to Richard O'Brien and 'The Crystal Maze'"/>
TV cameras featuring big, boggly eyes.<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" BLOB="B1472787" ALT="TV cameras featuring big, boggly eyes."/>
Kevin Bacon - What a star!<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" BLOB="B1511092" ALT="Kevin Bacon - What a star!"/>
Our two heroes, Withnail and Marwood, from the film, 'Withnail and I'.<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" BLOB="B1517428" ALT="Our two heroes, Withnail and Marwood, from the film, 'Withnail and I'."/>
Two cowboy-type dudes firing guns on an old-style TV.<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" BLOB="B1534901" ALT="Two cowboy-type dudes firing guns on an old-style TV."/>
Mary Whitehouse on TV.<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" BLOB="B1696995" ALT="Mary Whitehouse on TV."/>
Judy Garland in glorious black and white<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" BLOB="B1896794" ALT="Judy Garland in glorious black and white"/>
Mysterious figure at the window<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" BLOB="B2016444" ALT="Mysterious figure at the window"/>
Ronnie Barker<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" BLOB="B2066811" ALT="Ronnie Barker"/>
A silhouette of the Prisoner against that dreaded White Ball<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" BLOB="B2181337" ALT="A silhouette of the Prisoner against that dreaded White Ball"/>
A young Larry Grayson<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" BLOB="B2234003" ALT="A young Larry Grayson"/>
The legendary Hilda Ogden, star of Coronation Street.<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" BLOB="B2284568" ALT="The legendary Hilda Ogden, star of Coronation Street."/>
A celeb fears for her privacy<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" BLOB="B2270631" ALT="A celeb fears for her privacy"/>
James Bond with a Union Flag backdrop.<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" BLOB="B2482825" ALT="James Bond with a Union Flag backdrop."/>
A film clapper board.<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" BLOB="B2453242" ALT="A film clapper board."/>
Radio versus Television<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" BLOB="B2646847" ALT="Radio versus Television"/>
A suitcase for all reasons<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" BLOB="B2754313" ALT="A suitcase for all reasons" />
Golum<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" BLOB="B2811081" ALT="Golem"/>
A person at the cinema, talking loudly on a mobile phone<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" BLOB="B3256257" ALT="A person at the cinema, talking loudly on a mobile phone"/>
A radio<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" blob="B3174834" ALT="A radio"/>
Arnold Schwarzenegger as Andy Pandy<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" blob="B3849794" ALT="Arnold Schwarzenegger as Andy Pandy"/>
The Countdown clock - BOOH!<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" shadow="None" blob="B4424859" ALT="The Countdown clock - BOOH!"/>
A snake made of celluloid<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" shadow="None" blob="B4558710" ALT="A snake made of celluloid"/>
A 1950s Rocker outside a Drive-in Cinema<PICTURE EMBED="CENTER" shadow="None" blob="B4571854" ALT="A 1950s Rocker outside a Drive-in Cinema"/>

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