Suffern, NY, USA

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Suffern, New York is a village, part of the town of Ramapo. It is located on the border of New York and New Jersey, making for an excellent place to live. The local high school, Suffern High School, is situated in the nearby village of Montebello. There are camera's that have been installed to watch students and make sure they don't have any fun.

Contrary to popular belief, Suffern is not a hick town and is most definitaly not in the country. It has been misportrayed on television, mainly on the HBO series, Sex in the City. However, Sloatsburg is considered by many to be a hick town.

Some sights to see in Suffern are the Suffern Free Library and the soldier's monument. The library is newly constructed and is the home to a large number of books and videos. The soldier's monument is in the middle of Laffayette Avenue, making a large traffic problem. The Laffayette Theater is, coincidentally, on Laffayette Avenue as well. There is only one screen at this theater, usually playing the least popular movie released, so you would be better off borrowing a movie from the library.

Some places to eat are Maria's Pizza, Nicky's Pizza, Dominoes Pizza, and Pasquale's Pizza. There is a Sabbret hot dog restaurant all the way downtown, which is highly reccomended. There are also a series of lunchettes which also have very good food. If you prefer fancier foods, all, of the normal restaurants on Laffayette have good food at good prices. The one place that should be avoided at all costs is the local McDonalds, as any McDonalds should be. They have extremely slow service, give extremely small amounts of fries at busy times, and are always busy.

If you are looking for a fun-filled evening, Suffern is not the place to be. In surrounding areas there are many enjoyable areas including Sports World (which does not have any sports except for miniature golf) and the Pallisades mall. The mall is highly reccomended, even though it is not actually in Suffern.

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