Flat Cap and Muffler Club Spring Onion

24 Conversations

Clinking beer glasses
A few of us here ooop North decided to arrange the Great Northern Meet up. Who else would be interested in beer or coffee and a few laughs? Wot a silly question!

The Meet was held on the 4th August at the Trafford Centre, Manchester, and there was shopping, bowling, shopping, drinking, shopping and all sorts of food available but not at the time it was really needed, not to hungry researchers with either jeans or trainers, or in some cases both. We did finish bowling just before midnight though!

We met outside the bowling alley in the Orient area at 4:00pm and went for a drink. The first bar invaded wasn't really prepared for thirsty hitchhikers, and said we were blocking fire exits! After finding a more researcher-friendly place, drinks were drunk, shopping was shopped, coffee was brewed and eventually the quiz was completed. Congratulations go to Other Person, Metal Chicken and Clive on winning the quiz. For a chance to beat the Onion Brains click here. At 8:00 pm we adjourned to the bowling alley where the winner of the 'Best Use of Spring Onion in a Researcher's Nickname', as judged by Fragilis the Melodical was announced.

The winner was Tinkerbell with 'To Herb is Human, to Spring Onion is Divine'. Honourable mentions went to Orcus and to Amy the Ant.
The role call for this most salubrious event was:

There are already some photos of the great event available courtesy of Croz and Metal Chicken. Links on their pages.

If I've missed anyone from the list, and I feel sure that I have, I apologise, and the omission will be rectified pronto

Many thanks to Amy the Ant for organising the accomodation at the Uni.

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