Website Developer's Forum

104 Conversations

This forum is for discussing, comparing and general chat about creating and developing websites. Feel free to join right in with any questions or topics you'd like to put forward.

A good way of taking part in the forum is to subscribe to the page so that you will be notified of any questions, comments, or conversations posted to the forum. Here are some threads which have been created around specific topics, but feel free to start a new one if you want to discuss something else.

  • HTML - The universal markup language of websites.
  • Javascript - a website scripting language.

Researchers' Websites

If you have a website that you would like to have included here, please either e-mail Frankie Roberto or leave a message in the Researchers' Websites thread.

  • Frankie Roberto -, a small site for photos and information about Frankie Roberto. Also with a message board.
  • aka online - aka online has just relaunched, with a full message board, a chat room, guestbook and more stuff on the way pretty soon! You can also download aka's big new tune, with links to his other music too. Please remember to sign the guestbook smiley - smiley
  • Dogster - Dan Goodman's Personal Homepage, a very minimalist website containing a set of links to things Dan has written. Dan has also created the websites A Fish Called Bob, a computer games programming site, and Take Issue!, an online political magazine.
  • Prof C. - The Big C Domain, a relatively small site used mainly as a testing ground for the Prof's web-design skills. It also has a few subdirectories dedicated to various media and his book.
  • Spook - Twynham Youth Group, a website about Twynham Youth Group.
  • U177581's fledgling site network, the dotsurfer|network, offers two-way syndication of design and content. If you don't know what that means, it's all explained at dotsurfer|network with the first network site at Dotsurfer UK itself.


Articles on h2g2 about website development.


A growing list of useful resources for website creation. If you know of a useful site for developing websites please either e-mail Frankie Roberto or leave a message in the Website Resources thread.

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