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This is just for me to keep tabs on what I've done thus far...

Solo Entries

  1. A3478043
  2. A2622845
  3. A902512
  4. A944318smiley - star1
  5. A883505
  6. A877890
  7. A798186
  8. A791282
  9. A776009
  10. A767207smiley - star
  11. A706745
  12. A667820smiley - star
  13. A692778
  14. A688232
  15. A653302smiley - star
  16. A646139
  17. A659874smiley - star
  18. A648371smiley - star
  19. A641206
  20. A634682
  21. A648326
  22. A637913
  23. A644582
  24. A638895
  25. A619436
  26. A622496
  27. A610741
  28. A615557
  29. A592995
  30. A592481

Collaborative Entries

Entries to Which I Contributed more than 70% of content

  1. A974333
  2. A681707
  3. A592715smiley - star

Entries to Which I Contributed less than 70% of Content

  1. A2175833smiley - star
  2. A1012483
  3. A529986smiley - star
  4. A930142
  5. A920099
  6. A848603smiley - star
  7. A766019smiley - star
  8. A793640smiley - star
  9. A765975smiley - star
  10. A738696smiley - star
  11. A765876smiley - star
  12. A771482
  13. A738533 and...
  14. A717527smiley - star
  15. A684362
  16. A668081smiley - star
  17. A640081smiley - star
  18. A639452smiley - star
  19. A631630
  20. A626753smiley - star
  21. A626762smiley - star
  22. A590799smiley - star
  23. A583977smiley - star
1The smiley - star indicates that this was the Editor's Choice of the day, and has a nice graphic to go with it.2Note: these two entries should be seen as a single entity, it was just that the original was so big, that it had to be divided into two.

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