The Post Quiz: Near-Earth Objects

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What do you know about. . .

Near-Earth Objects

Io, the moon nearest Jupiter.

Are you going to hide indoors on 15 February? Do you fear killer asteroids?

Answer these questions, and we'll tell you how big a 'fraidy cat you are.

Short answers.

  1. Name three varieties of NEO.
  2. What did Shoemaker-Levy do to Jupiter?
  3. If you were born under a wandering star, what does that mean?
  4. What official explanation was given starting in 1999 for the appearance of a trio of UFOs over the UK?
  5. What did the ancient Egyptians do with meteorites?
  6. What is that spooky star on the Bayeux Tapestry?
  7. What NEOs answered the question, 'Why is there a hole in our solar system?'
  8. On what unlucky day do frightened people think that Apophis will strike the Earth?
  9. Why does the Moon have such a pitted complexion?
  10. If you want to see more of these NEOs more clearly, what initiative should you support?

We bet you could see those answers without a telescope – sort of naked-eye quiz-taking. Just in case, though, click on the picture below for answers.

A comet captured on a tapestry.
Post Quiz and Oddities Archive

Dmitri Gheorgheni

11.02.13 Front Page

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