Oddity of the Week - Save a Tire, Save a Life

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Resource responsibility goes pretty far back.

Oddity of the Week: Save a Tire, Save a Life

The life raft that saved Eddie Rickenbacker.

Isn't it annoying when people tell you all these 'tips' to save this, and save that? Don't you wish they'd quit and let planned obsolescence take its course?

Back during World War II, rationing was a hard sell. Governments did their best to make it clear to people why they were being asked to give up their butter, eggs, and petrol for the 'war effort'. The picture above is a pretty interesting illustration of this.

Eddie Rickenbacker was a flying ace in World War I. After the war, he became a pioneer in airline building. In the Second World War, :he was an advisor to the US military. In 1942, Rickenbacker and seven others were in a B-17 Flying Fortress that came down in the Pacific Ocean. By a series of near-miracles – such as the time a seagull landed on Rickenbacker's head, providing life-saving sustenance – all but one survived the 24-day ordeal. The others attributed their survival to Rickenbacker's courage, leadership, and hand-eye coordination. Rickenbacker attributed it to divine intervention – and rationing.

Here's the Library of Congress' explanation:

How mileage rationing can save lives on the battlefronts was pointed up dramatically by Captain Eddie Rickenbacker, who with six members of his crew were rescued after three weeks adrift on life rafts in the Pacific. "One tire that is not wasted on pleasure driving may save the lives of seven men as ours was saved," Rickenbacker said. One old rubber tire is sufficient to make a three-man raft of the type that saved the party in the Pacific.

See? Rotate those tires.

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