The Post Quiz - Famous Dogs: Answers

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Did you know your dogs?

Famous Dogs: Answers

The Edinburgh statue of the loyal dog known as Greyfriars Bobby.

These were some pretty cool dogs. If you knew them all, wag your tail. If not, go do some research. Either way, think about writing a Guide Entry on your favourite hound topic.

Short answers.

  1. What unusual trick could Hitler's dog Blondi perform? No, it didn't do that Hitler salute. The Alsatian could climb a ladder.
  2. At what event did King Edward VII's dog Caesar affect court protocol? At the monarch's funeral. Caesar, the wire fox terrier, walked before kings and princes at the ceremony in 1910.
  3. What famous dog has a statue in Washington, DC? Fala, Franklin D Roosevelt's Scots terrier. He was a faithful friend who went everywhere with the president.
  4. What did Sarah Bernhardt name her dog? Hamlet, what else? No, he wasn't a Great Dane. He was a Brussels Griffon, so there.
  5. What famous dog flew over both the North and South Poles? Igloo. He did this with Admiral Byrd, who stole all the glory.
  6. Lewis and Clark had a Newfoundland dog named Seaman. What did he do to help provide dinner for the team? He caught squirrels. They liked them fried – there's no accounting for tastes, says this Researcher, who has had the experience. Seaman also pursued a deer one of the men had shot, and drowned it in the river. A creek in Montana was named after him by the explorers, who admired this courageous dog.
  7. What was the appropriate name of General George S Patton's dog? William the Conqueror. He was a white bull terrier who accompanied the modern-day conqueror even on battlefields.
  8. Why did New York City dogs Riva and Salty receive medals? They saved their blind persons from the Twin Towers on 9/11. If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs, you may just be a really cool seeing-eye dog.
  9. Beauty the wire-haired terrier lived in another dangerous place – London during the Blitz. For what feat was she decorated with an award usually reserved for humans? For rescuing 63 other animals from bomb rubble. Beauty proved the value of sniffer dogs.
  10. What dog's sacrifice made possible 'one small step for a man'? Laika's. The Siberian husky mix didn't survive re-entry, but she paved the way for other life-forms.

How did you do? Were you amazed at how smart, loyal, and doggone interesting our canine companions are? We hope you'll share this quiz with your dog-loving friends.

And yes, in a future quiz we'll give the kittycats equal time, and tell all about Abraham Lincoln, cat lover. . . now, get off my keyboard, Clancy, and stop meowing. I know it's suppertime.

A Jack Russell terrier.
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