March Create: In Like a Lion

2 Conversations

Folk wisdom says that March 'comes in like a lion, goes out like a lamb'. With climate change all over the planet these days, we're not sure. But a lot of events in our lives are like that. What starts out as a major trauma turns out to be a minor dust-up. Or what is announced with great fanfare…well, fizzles out. The world is full of surprises like that.

What about you? Have you had an 'in like a lion' experience in your life? One that started out big, only to leave you with a sigh of disappointment, or a chuckle of releief? Why not tell us about it? Include photos, where appropriate. (Or inappropriate. As long as they're legal.)

If you'd rather do a Guide Entry – and who wouldn't? – tell about the 'in like a lion' events of history. (Remember the Segway?) Or tell about happy accidents and chance inventions.

Want to share a recipe, book tip, or record review? Tell us about something that sounds a lot worse than it is. You remember Stargazy Pie? Or Fifty Shades of Grey? Okay, so maybe that one's a bad example. Think of your own!

May your March go out like a lamb, no matter how it starts!

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