The Post Quiz: Old Wives' Tales

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What Everybody knows changes from time to time. Sometimes, those old wives' tales turn out to be true.

The Post Quiz: When the Old Wives Were Right

Hey, Reader. Yes, you, my friend. Do you suffer from Misinformation Overload? Are you so tired of internet hoaxes and email scares that you now discount just about everything you hear and read? You're not alone. Millions are beginning to develop galloping skepticism towards just about every piece of information that comes their way. At least that way, they won't find themselves repeating the story about the 500-pound spiders in Borneo.

Courage, friends. We at the h2g2 Post are here to help. As it turns out, some of those old wives' tales your granny taught you turned out to be true. Can you guess which ones? Sorting the wheat from the chaff here could make you more popular around the water cooler.

True or false1?

  1. Peanut butter will remove chewing gum from the bottom of your shoes.
  2. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
  3. Carrots help you see in the dark.
  4. Eating cheese before bed can give you strange dreams.
  5. Red sky at night, shepherd's delight.
  6. Heartburn during pregnancy indicates that you will have a hairy baby.
  7. Eating celery uses up calories.
  8. A bit of the 'hair of the dog' will help a hangover.
  9. Chocolate helps cure depression and a broken heart.
  10. In addition to being a sin, cannibalism is bad for your health.

Think you've been able to sort out the old wives' tales from the true scientific facts? Click the image below to check your answers.

A tuned-in apple.
Post Quiz and Oddities Archive

Dmitri Gheorgheni

05.01.15 Front Page

Back Issue Page

1Truth or falsity of listed factoids according to 2014 conventional wisdom. We are not responsible for what the Institute of Higher Whatsits comes up with next year. For that, wait for the Ignobel Prizegiving.

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