The Post Quiz: International Film Thumbnails - Answers

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Let's go to the movies. It's an international treat.

International Film Thumbnails: Answers

Stills from Edison's Kinetoscopic 1894 film record of a sneeze.

As Awix will tell you, film comes in all shapes and sizes. There's something for everyone, even in this quiz..

Now, tell the truth: which film did you like Rutger Hauer best in? Mill on the Floss or Hobo with a Shotgun? Whaddya mean, Blade Runner?

Matching the flicks up with their thumbnail sketches.

1. In postwar Germany, blonde is great success until she blows up her gas stove. Moral: World War II was bad. Smoking in the house is worse.1. The Marriage of Maria Braun
2. In Romania, Communism is dead – but the old party leaders are Undead, and won't lie down.2. Strigoi
3. In 1960s Ireland, the nuns are running a business that cannot be called a beautiful launderette. 3. The Magdalen Sisters
4. German director takes international cast to Malta, where they start a pet sanctuary and work on their tans and abs. Oh, the movie? Something about a big wooden horse.4. Troy
5. Evil South African racist turns into giant bug, but does not meet Franz Kafka. Serves him right, actually.5. District 9
6. Giant rock people menace Norway, but there is a Hero. (Unfortunately, he is not Jason Statham.)6. Trollhunter
7. In this Bollywood epic, Lalita Bakshi marries Mr Darcy, who gets into the music.7. Bride and Prejudice
8. Watching this very cheap Canadian film will give you a lifelong aversion to manhole covers – and, possibly, make you wonder what Rutger Hauer was thinking.8. Hobo with a Shotgun
9. Aboriginal girls walk 1500 miles through the Outback to Jigalong, frustrating racists.9. Rabbit-Proof Fence
10. Pai fights Maori gender stereotypes and prevails with the help of cetacean friends. 10. Whale Rider

How well did you do? Write and let us know: do you prefer your films with or without subtitles? What are your favourites? Does your favourite have a Guide Entry yet?

A camera rolling against a Chinese flag
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