The h2g2 Poem: Eclipse at Compiegne

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MVP says, ' In 1999, we stayed in Paris and took a train to Compiegne to watch the total eclipse. It should have been a good spot, as there is a park with wide rides. But it was cloudy. We saw the sun with a bite out of it, but then it disappeared behind cloud. Nevertheless, the atmosphere was spooky, as everything went dark and owls hooted. I wrote a poem about it.' She was kind enough to share the poem with us.

Eclipse at Compiegne

We wait among seeding grasses
in the forest ride, binoculars in hand,
watching as the cloud unravels
and darkness breaks the sun’s heart.
Ancestral fears of devouring dragons
to be driven hence with drums and dancing
no longer seem unreasonable.
The shadow stepping on the clouds
comes from an unfamiliar world.
We stand in sacred silence
until night time darkness closes on noon
cool air breathes through August warmth
and owls hoot in benighted trees.
At the cusp of the millenium we understand
the strange coincidence of size and distance
the movement of the moon’s shadow,
yet we feel a primitive emotion.
Reverence for the cosmic forces
That turn the earth and moon in ancient orbit
And light the fusion furnace of the sun.
Eclipse silhouette by Freewayriding.

Poetry and Stories by Minorvogonpoet


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