The Post Quiz: Technical Terminology - Answers

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Another year, another dictionary.

Technical Terminology: Answers

Back before automobiles, the average person knew a lot of words for horse-related stuff. Some of them even printable. An ancient Viking knew so many poetic words for swords, shields, and other means of personal destructiveness that scholarship consists of learning more technical terminology in the military hardware department than even the weapons designer at a modern computer game needs to know. As times change, so does our working vocabulary. Here are the answers to this week's quiz.

  1. If you're annoyed by n00bs, you're probably a gamer.
  2. If you're fascinated by grandpa's analogue watch, yours is probably digital1.
  3. If you're concerned about BTUs, you might be buying an air conditioner2.
  4. If the dish is on the roof, you're either a sloppy cook, or you have satellite TV3.
  5. If you reluctantly promise to send the bill by snail mail, you'd really prefer to use email4.
  6. If you're inclined to nuke your popcorn, you own a microwave oven5.
  7. If you're cursing and contradicting the smug electronic voice in your car, you get your misdirections from Satnav or GPS6.
  8. When there's a lightning storm, you worry if your computer will be safe – but after all, it's plugged into the surge protector7.
  9. Isn't old technology quaint? When Mum or Dad finished watching a movie, they had to rewind the video8.
  10. The man in the old movie is trudging through the rain. He's had a breakdown and needs to find a telephone booth. You laugh, because you never go anywhere without your mobile. Not even to the shower9.

If you knew all that, feel smugger than your Satnav voice. You have an amazing vocab. Isn't it great to be a denizen of the electronic age? Hey, pass me that falchion, will you? It's over by the claymore.

Post Quiz and Oddities Archive

Dmitri Gheorgheni

22.06.15 Front Page

Back Issue Page

1And if you think that's a pretty neat idea, Douglas Adams had a thought about you.2We were told it stands for 'British Thermal Units'. Be proud.3And there's still nothing to watch on a Sunday afternoon.4We'd rather use the Pony Express, but the horses went on strike.5Or you've been watching Dr Strangelove.6Yanks have to be different.7A Victorian would probably think that was a sea wall.8We don't do it anymore, but we still have the term. Future language mavens will be arguing about the etymology of that word. We bet they end up theorising about sewing.9And you don't get that joke in the first Superman movie. But retro fans might enjoy this take on the meme.

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