The Post Quiz: Fantastick Answers

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Fantastick Answers

Could you remember the kind of September?

Short answers.

  1. The Fantasticks is based on a play by Edmond Rostand. What facially-challenged character was the subject of Rostand's most famous play? Cyrano de Bergerac, naturellement.
  2. The original production of The Fantasticks ran for 17,162 performances. How many years was that? 42, of course.
  3. A mysterious figure in The Fantasticks is named El Gallo. What does this name mean? Rooster.
  4. New York actor Jerry Orbach was the original El Gallo. What honour did the New York Landmarks Conservancy confer on him in 2002? They declared him a Living Landmark. (Law & Order was a recognisable sight as it filmed around the city.)
  5. What made the original production so profitable? They only spent $900 on the set, and $541 on costumes.
  6. According to a song in the musical, why did the kids pour jam on the cat? They were told not to.
  7. Finish this line: 'Try to remember the kind of September when grass was green and grain was….' Yellow.
  8. According to the song, 'then we'll let it rain…' How? Pell mell.
  9. What literary word used in The Fantasticks has offended modern audiences? Rape, as in 'The Rape of the Lock'.
  10. The Fantasticks is based on what Renaissance performance style? Commedia dell'Arte.

Illustration from Edmond Rostand's original play of The Fantasticks.

Does it make you itch to hear that song? Us, too. Click on the picture again.

The Fantasticks.
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Dmitri Gheorgheni

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