The Post Quiz: Strange Destinations - Answers

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Going off the grid? Be sure to leave a trail of crumbs.

Strange Destinations: Answers

And…here are the answers..

  1. The deceased owner of the Stanley Hotel and his wife are believed to be haunting this vacation spot, familiar to fans of The Shining. It's in Estes, Colorado, USA.
  2. The world's smallest park can be found in Portland, Oregon, USA. It's only big enough for one person, and a local newspaper reporter claims it was built by leprechauns.
  3. There's a traveling exhibit going around the USA featuring a replica of history's largest snake: the Titanoboa. It was big enough to fight a T-Rex.
  4. Love the underwater life? At the Aquarium de Paris (France, naturellement) you can spend the night in a shark tank.
  5. Love fiction? Like candy? Then you'll be excited to learn that the Toothsome Candy Factory will be opening at Universal Studios Orlando this year. (Willy Wonka would enjoy this.)
  6. Ready to head to Idaho, USA? Are your tastes more, well, 'adult' than candy and monsters? Then you might enjoy the brothel museum in Wallace, admission only $5.
  7. Sisters, Oregon, USA, should be a popular destination with Pastey and friends. You can bathe in the beer at Hop in the Spa. (There's a similar one in Prague.)
  8. Are you itching to take a gander at some haunted toys? Then head to Monroe, Connecticut, USA, and visit the Warren Occult Museum.
  9. Want to get the adrenaline pumping? Try the Vanish underwater rollercoaster in Yokohama, Japan.
  10. Alas, this wonder has been abandoned since 1984. So you can't legally visit the Biblically-inspired Holy Land USA in Waterbury, Connecticut. (Though ninja photographers have broken in for illicit photos.)

Now, where do you want to go? Are you up for beer bathing, rollercoaster riding, or visiting the ghosts, leprechauns, or hookers? You decide. (And take pics for the Post!)

Scuba diving - an alternative holiday?
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Dmitri Gheorgheni

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