The Post Quiz: Group Activities

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How many people are enough?

The Post Quiz: Group Activities

How many people do you need to do each of these things? Find the name for the description.

  1. Enough angels to dance on the head of a pin
  2. Enough Jewish men for a prayer meeting
  3. Enough board members for a vote
  4. Enough citizens for a trial
  5. Enough voters to elect
  6. Enough singers for four-part harmony
  7. Enough Romans to merit a senior centurion
  8. Enough sailors to man a ship
  9. Enough fans to fill the venue
  10. Enough cardinals to elect a pope

Choices: college, choir, minyan, quorum, quartet, majority, crew, cohort, jury, crowd.

Answers can be found by clicking the picture.

Boys singing Latin phrases
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