The Post Quiz: Condiments

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Cold weather coming. Thinking about comfort food. Yum…pass this test on…


Condiments: they decorate our tables. They make our food taste better. And they're a sign of cultural identity. Don't believe us? Take the quiz.

Answer these questions about condiments past and present.

  1. The oldest book in the Bible, Job, asks the rhetorical question, 'Can that which is unsavoury be eaten without _______?'
  2. The Romans kept garum on their dinner tables. The main ingredient is fermented________.
  3. In Greece, try some tzatziki. To make it, you need to grate a ____________.
  4. Your bread's too dry? Spread some Romanian zacusca on it. It's made of peppers and ___________.
  5. Vinegar goes way back. The word vinegar comes from the French for 'sour _______'.
  6. If you don't like vinegar on your chips, try _______________. It's popular in Belgium, and it contains eggs.
  7. __________ originated in China, but it was a popular homemade condiment in colonial North America. Back then, they didn't add tomatoes, because everybody knew those were poisonous.
  8. You like things sweet? How sweet? Sugar cane is sweeter, but in 1747, German chemist Andreas Marggraf made the delicious stuff from ___________.
  9. In 1837, two chemists, John Lea and William Perrins, manufactured a new sauce that became wildly popular. Where was their chemist's shop?
  10. Do you suffer from 'Chinese food syndrome'? You may be allergic to the popular flavour enhancer known as ____.

Puzzled? Click the picture and read the label for answers.

A blob of ketchup
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Dmitri Gheorgheni

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