The h2g2 Post 27.02.17

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A crest bearing the legend The H2G2 PostA crest bearing the legend The H2G2 Post

Posted: 27th February 2017

The Isle of the Blessèd and Other Topics

Ryde on the fabled Isle of Wight. Where Henry Fielding couldn't get a good dinner. Three guesses where that bucolic scene is, and the first two don't count. We bet Bluebottle sees it every day. BB, did you know Henry Fielding went on holiday there? No? Well, you'll find out all about it in this week's Literary Corner. This concludes our month-long literary tribute to the Isle of Wight. We hope you've enjoyed it, we may make it a tradition.

What to say about this week's issue? Well, hard to say, because frankly, a lot of the content renders us speechless. There's the caption challenge, which is a 100% real, undoctored, unFake image from Freewayriding. There's Awix's review of the most breathtakingly weird movie we've ever had the experience of reading about. (And we thought he couldn't top last week's.) Once again, we are grateful to Awix for watching these things, so we don't have to.

Willem's bird is breathtaking. Actually, it's William Clark's bird. William Clark was a great researcher: he braved heat, cold, and grizzly bears to boldly go where few had gone before. Enjoy the bird.

We have a very serious philosophical discussion going on. It's all the fault of that Create challenge. Look down the page: you'll find some brilliant thoughts being shared. We thank Willem and Chris Morris for the stimulating ideas. If the discussion keeps going, we may bring you some more of it as time goes on.

Speaking of artificial intelligence, the Post decided we needed to do some field research. So where did we head on Friday? Down to Pittsburgh, of course, that mecca of technology. There we discovered hundreds of enthusiastic students and their teachers, gobbling pizza and programming robots to beat the band. (We think it was Disaster Area.) Result: we've brought you a photo-rich report on the robotics competition down there. It was exciting: thrills and spills galore, and the team we were rooting for swept the awards ceremony. What a day. Artificial intelligence has been a great topic for the month – we've learned lots.

After you've digested all that serious, high-type thinking matter, you're really going to want to read Freewayriding's Leatherpants saga. FWR rounds out his tale in this issue. We'll let you know when the movie's coming out, though you might want to speculate on casting options.

There's more in this issue: snark, writing hints, more snark, a quiz written with the help of artificial intelligence, the most snark online. . . you know us. We have fun.

So Share and Enjoy, froods! Don't forget to look for the new Create challenge on 1 March! (It involves fakery, so get ready to comb through news past and present.) And have a great week!

Dmitri Gheorgheni

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