The Post Quiz: AIs We Know and Love

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Do you worry about artificial intelligence? How much do you know about its recent history?

The Post Quiz: AIs We Know and Love

Check your memory banks and answer these questions about AI.

Short answers.

  1. If you are a computer (or a human), how do you pass the Turing Test?
  2. What set of rules did Isaac Asimov devise for artificial beings to follow?
  3. What key term was coined at a Dartmouth University conference in 1956?
  4. What chilling cinema AI was created by Stanley Kubrick with the help of MIT AI guru Marvin Minsky?
  5. At the same time movie AIs were scaring the bejabbers out of cinemagoers, a real mobile robot could be stopped in its tracks for an hour by, say, an unexpected mouse running by. What was this slow-moving 1969 robot's name?
  6. Why was 1973 called the 'AI Winter'?
  7. What was the title of AI specialist Rodney Brooks' ground-breaking 1990 book that rethought the AI problem?
  8. What computer milestone was achieved in 1997, and why did it make a Russian angry?
  9. What does Roomba do, and what's the name of the company that makes it?
  10. On what occasion did Ken Jennings famously say, 'I for one welcome our new computer overlords'?

Sort of vaguely remember all this? Click the picture for answers.

A robot posing as Rodin's 'Thinker'
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Dmitri Gheorgheni

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