The h2g2 Post: 29.07.19

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A crest bearing the legend The H2G2 PostA crest bearing the legend The H2G2 Post

Posted: 29th July 2019

What Lies Beneath

Snake and Staircase by Cactuscafe and FWR

'Do ppl know how a state turns genocidal? Does anyone think mass murder just happens one fine day, like a zombie attack?

Ilhana Hairston, Twitter User, to the Washington Post

That Twitter quote the other week made me look twice. I told Milla I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She retorted, 'Cry, obviously. The situation is dire.' I agreed with the sentiment, but went on to explain that I didn't mean the praiseworthy thought that vigilance against evil is important. I meant that the User had mentioned a very real threat in the same sentence as an example from popular fiction. Strange how potent these memes can be for deepening our understanding of the world.

No, indeed. We don't think mass murder starts like a zombie attack. But we do not shrink from talking about either. Or both. Let no one on this planet mistake our playful creativity on this site for a lack of serious commitment to the betterment of our planet. Look in these pages, and you will see humour, and snark, and surprising insight in our collective observations. Open your minds and hearts, and let the truth breathe, is all we're asking.

That, and send us your photos, stories, and comments. There are plenty of opportunities for you to share.

Take the August Create. (We hope you will.) The Team would like to hear your grandparent stories. What mischief did your elders get up to? What tall tales and clever tricks did they pass on to you? We don't want to lose these things, that's why we ask. Send them in!

On to this week's issue. What's lurking here, besides that snake?
A quiz question involving water.
  • We have quizzes. Puzzle over them. Also some very intriguing photos to caption and comment on. This week, we've mixed up the black-and-white and colour photos to provide pleasing contrast on the page, stimulate your optic nerves, and confuse the heck out of Freewayriding and bobstafford, who are supposed to be critiquing the art photography. We like to make them work, but you don't have to. Just enjoy.
  • Willem's having cold nights, but he still sent us another wonderful bird painting. Since it's summer for us in the northern hemisphere, nature is large and in charge in our photos. We think we've got some prize biological specimens here. Whether it is the geese surprising SashaQ, or Andy's giant fish, or the all-too-brief appearance of seasonal blooms, there's lots to absorb here. Including the Bakewell Tart, in a form not found in nature.
  • Humour, getcher humour here. See the epic battle between Desideria and Whats-His-Name. Find out how Sasha's job search went. Let the Isle of Wight dinosaur emote a bit. Let Awix tell you all about the bee movie (that's as in apiary, not a description...oh, just read it, will you?). Pass these things around at work: they'll think you're intellectual, or something.

Lots to see and do, so why are you hanging around here? Get reading. And have a great week!

Quote of the Week:
 I don't think oysters are hard to sneak up on, actually.


Create August 2019 by Freewayriding
August Create Challenge:
Tall Tales from Grand People

Dmitri Gheorgheni





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