Space-Watch from Lockdown

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Space-Watch from Lockdown

…some of our metrics are saying that peak viewership for the joint NASA-SpaceX launch broadcast across all of our platforms was at least 10.3 million concurrent viewers…

Bettina Inclán

NASA and SpaceX have a lot to be proud of. Their crewed mission, which headed to the ISS on 30 May, went off almost without a hitch. Bob Behnken and Doug Hurley got into the station with only a minor head-bump by Hurley. (If this sounds like part of the HHGG script, we can't help it.) Anyway, we were all watching on the SubEtha, and we have screenshots to prove it.

Here are some snaps for your memory books.

Earth by NASAAstronaut by NASA
ISS in View by NASAGreeting the New Arrivals by NASA

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