In Broad Daylight

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In Broad Daylight

I have to report a possible ghost sighting. In broad daylight, at the antique car show.

Every year during the Autumn Leaf Festival in town, the first Sunday features an Autorama Cruise-In, which is western Pennsylvania-speak for 'show up with your antique or classic car, park it on Main Street and help us block traffic.' No lie: my computer flashed me a warning about a 'serious' situation in which Highway 68 (aka Fifth Avenue) was blocked to the I-80 exit. I laughed.

The cars are great. We joined Hoggetts and their friends around Mrs Hoggett's prized 1978 VW, which is hard to miss because it's bright yellow. The oldest car I personally saw was the 1926 Franklin touring car, a real beauty. I was impressed by a 1920s racer, but Farmer Hoggett scornfully pointed out that its body was 'probably fibreglass', so it didn't really count.

The motorbike people congregate at one end of the street, starting at McDonald's and extending in front of the Catholic church and school. Rows of gleaming bikes. In the centre of the street are those elaborate three-wheelers. I happen to know how much FWR despises three-wheelers, so I hastened to snap this photo.

A ridiculously long yellow three-wheeler.

The legend on the back said something about 'Too Much: time, money, effort, etc.' I wanted to snap a closeup for our sign collection. But something odd happened: it's probably due to the bright sunlight affecting the shutter speed, but a weird apparition showed up in this photo. People, we have a ghost.

A possible ghost in front of the large yellow three-wheeled motorwhatsit.

Now, it could be a passerby hunched over in a coat. But I'd like to point out that, although it was 1 October, the ambient temperature at this point was about 24° C. (We had record highs for the time of year.) So you tell me: was this a ghost that couldn't pass up the opportunity to admire the vehicular splendour up close and personal? Should we alert the Netflix people?

Would you like to see the cars? I made a video.

Dmitri Gheorgheni Archive


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