Taxi Blessing

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Taxi Blessing

Taxi notice.

'God bless you, Sir!' I said my usual version of 'thanks' to the driver for his patience.

'You, too, my friend!' He beamed back, then gave me a quizzical look.

'May I ask a question?'

'You can ask. . . '

'You are the first white man to say that. The first I've heard since I came here. In my country it is common. Here not so. Why do white people not say this?'

'Black or white, makes no difference.'

'How is this so?'

'Because, if there is a God, He must surely be colour-blind!'

The African gentleman burst into laughter, telling me he was a preacher and would be using that phrase in his next sermon.

He drove off in a cloud of blessings.

First time I've influenced the clergy!

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