The h2g2 Poem

1 Conversation

Is Kiss.Com sponsored by Smirnoff?

Looking at the screen you see partners galore,

With tongue hanging out, you just want more.

The photos look nice, the whispers delight.

Phone calls so great, late into the night.

You chat about this, you chat about that.

Not world shattering stuff just the usual Tat,

Establishing contact, between distant Brains,

Carefully treading forward, you avoid Sewer Drains.

------------------------ xXx ------------------------

And all of the chaff, in your field of vision,

Delivered via your monitor, glorified television.

You carefully sort a select chosen few,

To nurture and cherish, as you tread on through.

The cr*p that profuses your average logged in night,

Pestered by hopefuls who try as they might.

Never quite make the grade we set for ourselves,

As we aim on up higher and continue to delve.

------------------------ xXx ------------------------

The ones that chase easy we discard on the whole,

It's the rarer beasts that truly occupy our soul.

As we search for perfection and strive for it NOW !!

The pressure is on but it's fragile Somehow.

Past 'Friendships' established dissolve over night,

Some leaving disheartened while others in fright!

The 'E' Friends once cherished, fade into the past,

As other, more hopefuls appear in the glass.

------------------------ xXx ------------------------

Of your Smirnoff tint monitor you have on your Desk,

And contact soon fades as you move to the next.

And when you decide to meet chosen few,

You may like them lots but them not like You.

Or you not them it's a delicate task,

That usually fails as you or they, lower the mask.

And length of time spent, in contact, before said Date,

Cannot protect you or even insulate.

------------------------ xXx ------------------------

The heart dropping feel when dawns once again,

The realisation, your toil was now all in Vain.

As the person you saw in the Smirnoff tint Screen,

Is not who you meet and you are not keen.

To spend time with them even though you've established,

A 'Friendship' for months you still check your list.

To spot the mistakes, look back to learn from the signs,

Of where it went wrong, then shrug and resign.

------------------------ xXx ------------------------

Yourself to the fact that you're Kiss.Com Relations,

Can easily span Country and even span Oceans.

And create easy 'Friends' that you feel you can trust,

But still they dissolve when you meet, as you must.

If a permanent relation or bond is your goal,

To find your '1 in a Million' to share with your Soul.

But still you return to the Smirnoff Tint Screen,

As it continues to promise a future so clean.

------------------------ xXx ------------------------

Idealistic and real and so full of joy,

Be it with that girl or with that boy.

So, you continue to search and fork out the fees,

Enjoying the glow as you browse with such ease.

The distorted screen image of someone who's 'New',

And again they seem tailored especially for you.

So you chase them quite hard as, in yourself you believe,

But their standards are higher than you can achieve.

------------------------ xXx ------------------------

So you play out this game of 'Cat and Mouse' catch,

As you delve into hordes to search out your match.

Of that '1 in a Million' ideal partner for life,

For Fun, or for Friendship even, Husband or Wife.

At this tale you may laugh, balk, and maybe just scoff,

But can you really be sure that Kiss.Com isn't sponsored by...

Smirnoff !!

smiley - smoochsmiley - cupidsmiley - lovesmiley - lovesmiley - cupidsmiley - smooch

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