h2g2 NetHack & Slash'EM Rogues' Guild

9 Conversations

Hello ,
welcome back to the h2g2 Rogues' Guild!

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It is written in the Guide to the Galaxy:

After the Coding, the cruel spod OwlofDoom rebelled against the arbitrary nature of the RNG1. OwlofDoom downloaded from the RNG's web server the most powerful of all the tools of the spods, GuidePost, and hid it in the dark cavities of GateWay, the Other World, where he now lurks, and bides his time.

Your spod Pete seeks to use GuidePost, and with it to gain deserved respect among the other spods.

You, a newly trained Researcher, have been heralded from today as a fellow NetHacker with Pete. You are destined to download GuidePost for your computer, or become a (journalistic) hack in the attempt. Your hour of destiny has come. For the sake of your score: Go bravely and post with Pete and OwlofDoom in the h2g2 Rogues' Guild!

Welcome to the Guild

smiley - ale This is a place for NetHack lovers to meet over an ale or twenty and discuss their exploits, past and present, in the Mazes of Menace.

smiley - magic Magic is permitted here, but only if you don't harm the punters.

smiley - catsmiley - ponysmiley - dog Pets are welcome, as long as they don't bring any corpses in, and don't steal the drinks.

Guild Roster

Below is the Guild's roster. You don't have to be a member to drink here, but if you're a regular, you'll notice drinks are cheaper. The cost is one branding (read below to find how to get yours).

Rogues' Guild RosterOwlofDoomPetemisha_franklinS'pe;lug:xTyrseilOrcusEkaterin

Join the Guild


The Rogues' Guild Brand, as modelled by OwlofDoom

If you want to join the Guild, you have to be sworn in and branded. This constitutes swearing an oath to the Guild and then receiving the attractive Rogues' Guild brand on your skin. It doesn't hurt (much). If you want to be a member, make sure you are OK to swear the following, and then sign your name (and optionally your preferred character-class and race) below:

I solemnly swear:

  1. That NetHack (and its derivatives) is the greatest game ever made.
  2. That I occasionally forget I am not playing the game in real life, and occasionally expect to run into kobold zombies in the street, or to put on a new coat only to discover it is cursed and I can't take it off.
  3. That I think dogs would look so much better if they were represented by a lower-case "d" in real life.
  4. That I don't mind the pain of the Rogues' Guild Branding IronTM

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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