Enter The Liquor Emporium...

Ok, I guess people stop by after all. I still don't know who, though. So please, if you do stop by, drop me a line, even if it's just "blaghbliglfliptidorp" or something like that. Thank you.

Hmm. Help me compile a list of local (Rochester NY area) Researchers. You need not live in the area to post a comment on the Greater Rochester, NY, USA Researchers page; I welcome all input. Also, Necro has posted a compilation of local pages at The definitive list. My page is up there... Thanks!

Yet another link. If you eat rather regularly, stop by the hunger site and feed some hungry people who would likely be very greatful. It's free.

Hmm... about time for me to put another link up. So, I present WBER, the Monroe county Board of Cooperative Education Services (BOCES) radio station. Avoiding commercialization since 1985. Or so.

Ha Ha! I was just out drinking a few weekends ago, and I actually remembered something about where I was. Check out the guide entry I made for Alternative Brews.

Holder of the Pseudo-Contrary Chair, FFFF

Since it's been discontinued, there is no point of posting it, but I.C.A.R.U.S. used to stand for the ending of blatant stupidity. Stop by anyway, and see a shrine. Also, all of you non-Christians out there, or even those who have disagreements with Catholic Dogma, stop by The Freedom From Faith Foundation. Book reviews are welcome at the FFFF Hall of Records. It's suggested that you stop at both before you offer a review, though, so you know what we happen to be looking for. And also, you can stop by the Hymnal that RobynGraves is compiling for FFFF, though she didn't copy my song down absolutely right...

I think that this used to be here. See all the people?

Strangly Misplaced Sub-header

Interested in Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster Recipes? Click here to see how trashed you can get.

See the number below? This is how many people stoped by
and didn't leave me a message.

And you thought I didn't have any friends

You too can visit my amigo's from my hometown. Well, kind of my hometown. Alright, it's right next to my hometown and I lived there for seven years. Don't be surprised when you find even less on their homepages than what's on mine. So, in no particular order:

And it's about time for more...

I should put up some more links. These are some people who I speak to on forums (in the more intricate conversations). This isn't all of them, but it might be soon. So, as above, in no particular order...

Actually, this was more so I wouldn't have to go searching for their pages. Lazy me. If you want a link on my site, just post below and include your address, i.e. U109821 (me).

I was a Sub-ed. It's all over now...

Ha! Just so I could do just about everything I want to from this page, I decided to put links to the Sub-Ed guidelines and such right below here. Feel free to peruse.


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Researcher U109821

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