

Contact me at Freemantle04@gmail.com

RA Y N+ SA-SB A+ P L++ M+ s+ V++ E PR p a- B++ TV? r D T+ nh- C+ m t+
-----END H2G2 CODE BLOCK-----

an original 42 towel coat

smiley - towelsmiley - lovesmiley - lovesmiley - love        smiley - lovesmiley - lovesmiley - lovesmiley - towel
smiley - towel                       smiley - love     smiley - love                       smiley - towel
smiley - towel                                  smiley - love                                  smiley - towel
smiley - towel              smiley - towel                 smiley - love                 smiley - towel              smiley - towel
smiley - towel    smiley - towelsmiley - towel                   smiley - love                   smiley - towelsmiley - towel    smiley - towel
smiley - towel   smiley - towel   smiley - towel                   smiley - love                   smiley - towel   smiley - towel   smiley - towel
smiley - towel   smiley - towel   smiley - towel                   smiley - love                   smiley - towel   smiley - towel   smiley - towel
smiley - towel   smiley - towel   smiley - towel                   smiley - love                   smiley - towel   smiley - towel   smiley - towel
smiley - love   smiley - love    smiley - towel                   smiley - love                   smiley - towel     smiley - love  smiley - love
smiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - lovesmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towel

a free 42 smiley - towel coat
one size fits all.

send some one a 42 smiley - coat

Thanks to the researcher/coatmaker pheloxi!
And if I have built this fortress around your heart Encircled you in trenches and barbed wire Then let me build a bridge For I cannot fill that chasm And let me set the battlements on fire

Then I went off to fight some battle That I'd invented in my head Away so long for year and years You probably thought or even wish that I was dead While the Armies all are sleeping Beneath the tattered flag we'd made I had to stop in my tracks for fear Of walking on the mines I'd laid
[From Sting: Fortress Around Your Heart]

-1-1+(3*8)*2-6+2 = 42

A list of Shakespeare's Tragedies, surrounded by tear drops.
I love history, tricksters, nuances, patterns.
St Magnus on the shores of Orkney.
I must be escaping from myself, but finding myself at the same time. I'm writing a novel, Medraut, hopefully I can get past page 25 and actually develop a plot with the characters!
The scales of justice

Favourite Author List

1. Richard Adams
2. Douglas Adams
3. T.A. Barron
4. Terry Brooks
5. Orson Scott Card
6. Neil Gaiman
7. Joseph Heller
8. Robin Hobb
9. Victor Hugo
10. Franz Kafka
11. Ursula LeGuin
12. Michael Shaara
13. Jeff Shaara
14. T.H. White
15. Elie Wiesel
16. Oscar Wilde
17. Kurt Vonnegut
18. ?
(always open to suggestions)
Please grab your towel and remain seated, ! We hope you enjoy the show.


Good book/story/poetry to read whose authors are not listed above: The Cloud Garden by Tom Van Dyke and Paul Winder, The Stand, Timeline, Rule of Four, Where the Red Fern Grows, Beowulf , Gawain and the Green Knight, The House of Mirth, Marlfox, Anna Karenina1, The Eyre Affair, The Gathering Storm, The Hunt for Red October, The Crystal Cave, Guards! Guards!, Being a Green Mother, Congo, Stonehenge, The Last Kingdom 2

I got The Book of Lists, and it changed my perceptions in all aspects... Some were for the better!
Once you open a can of worms, the only way to recan them is to use a larger can.
Zymurgy's First Law of Evolving Systems Dynamics

The other line moves faster.
Etorre's Observation

When in doubt, mumble.
Boren's First Law

An object will fall so as to do the most damage.
Law of Selective Gravity

There are two types of people: those who divide people into two types, and those who don't.
Barth's Distinction

Murphy was an optimist.
O'Tool's Commentary on Murphy's Law

Of course, all this makes perfect sense...

Good movies

Arthur C. Clark's Space Odyssey 2001
Last of the Mohicans
Shawshank Redemption

Good Singers/Songs/Musicals
also known as
Why are you telling me?

"Only Time" Enya
"Music of the Night" Phantom of the Opera
"On My Own" Les Miserables
"Empty Chairs, Empty Tables" Les Miserables
"High Flying, Adore" Evita
"Shadowland" Lion King
Anything of Sting with the Chieftains.
"Dunmore Lasses"
The Shepard song from kill bill soundtrack that I cannot seem to recall...
I do not like Fiddler on the Roof, do not even mention Fiddler on the Roof or I will have to come hug you... Believe me, you do not want that promise fulfilled.

The Manifesto for the Campaign to rename Thursday, "Thing"

Oh yes, and No no no! for all freshly joined thingites group, It's loads of fun and basically if you're tired of using the same old utensils and/or names of the days of the week, consider Sodit for example instead of Monday. Your day will brighten and you will thank me for this enlightenment.

Thingite Embassy

Care2 and Live Journal H2G2 users may not know this, but Thing is spreading to everywhere! Hey, it is a beginning.

Let's see, for propaganda's sake give a huge huzzah for these lovely graphics.

~ The Thingite Clivorian Ostrichsolarian Calendar ~

Harvester 2007
Sodit  Wimpy   Wibble  Thing   Poets    Doobry  Dontbry


I have a recent (relatively) promotion in A.R.M.Y. from lieutenant to Captain. Join up today to get some nifty badges.
smiley - evilgrin
smiley - evilgrin
smiley - evilgrin
A Right Multitude of Yobs
smiley - evilgrin

smiley - tomato
smiley - tomato
smiley - tomato
A Right Multitude of Yobs
smiley - tomato


I am now the Head of the Spooks department of ARMY. I still lounge about and watch my fingernails grow longer... Ooh!

Evil Army

Though I rarely frequent the place, I am a member of the Evil Army, where I lurk to make instant soldiers from packets and try hard not to follow directions. It is great deal of chaos and disorder currently. Come hither into the lair, dear.
Official Member of
The Evil Army of H2G2
This Membership Has Been Approved
By The Founding Four

Magician's Guild

You may have seen me around the Magician's Guild library, where I am currently an Apprentice Elementalist. Lady Shaylor is my Master, so to speak. Find me at my cupboard if you have the time. Visitors are always welcome.

ééIn the Magician's Guild. éé

H2G2 Standardized RPG

It is here, finally! I am called El in the RPG, where you can create your own Chi stats as well as others. Come see me, the tiefling Healer fall into bad company!

Assassin's Guild

Heh, almost forgot, if you can afford it; hire me. I await your contract most eagerly. One could always see me fooling around, practicing for Thingite milestones in our charming Training Grounds. It is re-launched at the moment.
The H2G2 Assassin's guild
smiley - ghost
nil mortifi sine lucure

smiley - dontpanic It's the... 

smiley - skull


smiley - skull
smiley - zoomsmiley - wizardsmiley - magic

The Language Thing

I lately haunted the Language Thing for awhile for the purpose of learning Latin by osmosis. I know nothing of the language but it is never late to start.

By the way, I am a spanking new teacher at the Mandarin Department, but as I am fluent in the language, I will be quite happy to help you learn the chinese language. Full Ogham Alphabet

I crossed the streams on the Beta rpg

smiley - whistle

So Sue Me

League of Superheroes

I, The Foolish Geat, as Keeper of the Books, recently erected a Great Library. Check it out!

Back to You

The people on H2G2 are great and there's usually something to do. When there isn't I go mad. But that is a story for another day. Hip-hip-hooray: who's online?
1be prepared to banish all interruption for a long time2Bernard Cornwall


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Elwyn_Centauri, geAt (O+ THS)

Researcher U1138262

Former ACE
Work Edited by h2g2


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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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