Well here I am then....

I think I'll start off telling you how I became a H2G2 researcher. I came to H2G2 through a rather convoluted way. Being bored while browsing the internet one day (surfing the net sounds so stupid to me), I thought I'd go to the Babelfish translation site. I then realised that I didn't know the exact address, so I'd have to guess at it. My first guess took me to babelfish.com . This wasn't what I was looking for, but thankfully the people that had designed that site had considered people like me and provided a link to the babelfish translator at altavista (I think). Anyway, that can be found at here . After amusing myself for a while by translating things from English into German then French, and finally back into English. Kind of like a multilingual game of "Telephone". One of the things I translated was
"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dogs"
which became
"The fast brown fox jumps on the dogs putrefied"

I think you'll agree that there's a slight difference. Oh well. After a while, I began to tire of this game and noticed the little h2g2.com link at the bottom of the screen. Having nothing else to occupy my time, I decided to click on the link and see where it took me.

Being a big fan of the Hitch Hiker's Trilogy I had a bit of a look around the site, browsing various entries, reading comments and things like that. Joining up seemed like a good idea at the time, so here I am.

There you go, that's the story of how I came to H2G2, hope you enjoyed it!

Well.... time for some more information about the person who is writing this......

I enjoy reading science fiction and fantasy novels (esp. Neil Gaiman, Greg Egan and Terry Pratchet). I'm a recent computer science graduate (or will be come 22 June 2000). I live in a rented house in suburban Melbourne with my wife, Lauren and our daughter, Jordan.

I've lived in Melbourne all my life, and have never been out of Australia, but I'm sure that I will go travelling one day....

Apart from reading, other pastimes I enjoy include playing Cribbage (see my entry on this page) (if I wasn't so lazy at the moment I'd work up a proper link.... but anyway), cycling, playing Mah-Jong (the tile game, not a crappy computerised version of 'match pairs of tiles'), writing really bad haikus (see my forum posts about it), the card game Magic: The Gathering (also has an official guide entry), and generally putting in too many clauses in brackets into my writing (I guess I'm just used to writing down my thoughts as they occur and not bothering to structure them properly).

Oh and a big hello to Tashalls who I successfully outed as a fellow Australian.
Other people I like to hang about with (or harass, depends on who you ask) are :
Gwennie and Sho.

I'm no longer looking for work, so if anyone in Melbourne needs a recent graduate computer scientist, I could just be the person that you're looking for! If I wasn't already employed :-p

Job Haiku

I seek employment,
To program your computers,
Please give me a try.

Me Haiku

My name is Tom Haines,
I live Melbourne's suburbs,
With my wife and child.

That is all there is,
Feel free to explore my page,
And all it offers.


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Researcher U129795

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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