
Hello fellow Researchers!

I have yet again to update this page because it's out of date, and had a ton of spelling and grammar errors. -_-

My mind has become quite advanced in a year belive it or not. ^_^


About IceSage


-Forum and Webpage Management
-RPG Making. (Role Playing Game - Computer Video Games)

Age, Location

I am finally, 18 now! I live in Easton, Massachusetts, USA.

I am smarter than my age so don't think you're more advanced than I am just because you're older! (You darn ruffians!)

My gender is male.
(Oh, and don't start judging me because of my gender either! Just because I'm male doesn't mean I'm stupid. ^_^ )


If there is anything else you care to ask me, then ask me it! You can use the Forum or you can e-mail me at . I would like it if you would e-mail me. I like getting e-mails. Dont worry, I wont give out your address to anyone if you mail me, I promise!

Also, please excuse some of my Guide Entries, I made them about 2 years ago and they have a ton of grammar and spelling errors. They're not constructed well either, however, I am in the process of fixing this.


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Researcher U134585


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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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