Welcome to My Space!

Hey - this place still exists! Holy crap, time to get writing again. And updating this page, yikes.

A little bit ... I live in the city of Phoenix, in the state of Arizona, in the USA. It's in the same desert as Death Valley, CA. So why stay? Masochism, probably.

And now that I'm a Hootoo Artist, check out my "audition" graphics, which are now on the articles themselves!! (update: former artist, since I haven't been logging on for YEARS. I'll get back into it, though)

I also suffer from fibromyalgia, a condition characterized by chronic fatigue and joint pain. That means I don't get out as much as I'd like, but I do get out some, and it could be a lot worse!

The h2g2 Pythonist SoceityAn Ex-Parrot

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Smilies Put Where I Can Find Them

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the Cosmos
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Jayne Austin

Researcher U1427183

Former Community Artist
Work Edited by h2g2


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