
Well I'm me, that is the Me that is here at the minute. There are apparently about 1000 Me's as I am 1000 entities. My Maths lecturer told me that if 1000 = 1 then I am 1000 monkeys and an elephant is a football... So there you have it: I am the legend of 1000 monkeys at a keyboard. Am I making any sense? If I did it would make a nice change. That's why they called me The Confuser. My original nickname was Enix. How that came about is still open to speculation. Currently there are 6 different reasons and many possible variations of what it may have been if certain factors of the different "accidents" involved had been altered. Then I got knighted by Sir Bloated The Confounder and am now a knight at his now defunct Purply-Oaky Oblong (Sort Of) Table. Finally I launched my website with Sir Gandalf the White Pixie. My full title is therefore Sir Enix the Elfin Confuser of GEIAI (Wonko the Sane). I reduced it for your sanity. Btw - the website can be located at www.geiai.org.uk and I have no idea when the Wonko the Sane bit got added to my name. And I'm also called Joe Lanzini by an insane girl who wants to know somebody with a movie-star type alias. I'm normal, honest...


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Sir Enix The Confuser

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