Who is Number 6?

...Number 6 is a researcher based out of San Diego California. He is currently in the Navy and has the opportunity to write about various places and things that a lot of people don't get to see. In essence, Number 6 is actually a hitchiker who signed a paper to hitchike aboard U.S. Navy ships and get a chance to really see the world. He is one really frood dude. He always has his towel with him and has already, in his limited experience gotten drunk and passed out in a lot of other countries that other people have only heard of. Unfortunately, some of these countries didn't take to kindly to Number 6, but that's another story entirely. Number 6 enjoys seeing new things, reading, drinking, lifting, video games, life, and everything else. Number 6 does not like spending days at a time on the ocean when the ship could have pulled in days or weeks earlier, but a guy has to take the bad with the good, right? Stay tuned for the adventures of Number 6 and his many colleagues in the great wide wonderful world of. . .ummm. . .nevermind. Just keep checking in and you might read something interesting once in a great while.

I just recently found this site and, with the exception of a few (read: a whole hell of a lot) problems with my browser, I like it. It has refreshing humor and a lot of good information. This is definitely going to be one of my regular sites to check. At least when I get a chance to log on, which is about a day or two in a week or so.

I would throw a picture of me here, but I don't know how. I know that sounds idiotic, but I'm still learning the ropes here. Between weightlifting, working, and chasing hobbies, one of my favorite things to do is spend time with my wife. She's wonderful and enlightening. It's good way to wind down from a hard day at work. I honestly don't know what else to write. I'm beginning to feel like you people are demanding something interesting and worth reading from me! I really don't know what to do!!!! JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!! AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

Kidding, well, mostly anyway. I am somewhat stumped as to what to write here about myself due to the fact that I don't know what I should tell people about myself. Maybe people don't want to hear about me at all. Maybe they want to hear about psychosis or tectonic plates or something. I don't know. I'm just here to have fun and I look forward to a lot of laughs. Thank you for visiting long enough to learn a little about someone you've never met and probably never will. It (sniff) means a lot (snuffle) to me. . .

-the (evil) Number 6


Also, Number 6 just isn't right in the head.


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Number 6

Researcher U157616


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