I'm Back! clown

It seems I haven't been here since 2009, and what an adventure I've been on since then!

At that time, I was recently widowedbrokenheart, still living in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, and had no idea what I was going to do with myself.

Fast forward to 2012:

I live in Halifax, Nova Scotia now, and it has to be the most wonderful place on earth. On the East Coast of Canada, its home of the East Coast Fleet of the Royal Canadian Navy, and one of the oldest communities in Canada. At some point I'll elaborate on that history.

artistMy son, referred to on here as The Kid, is married to musicalnoteMy Wonderful Daughter-in-Law (MWDIL), and they also live in Halifax. MWDIL is an amazing musician, and has an incredible voice. I admire her greatly, and love her as my own. Collectively, The Kids have no children, but have a big yellow cat - who I refer to as my catGrand-Kitty.

I live in a huge apartment building, in a bright, spacious apartment on the 10th floor, with wonderful views. I'm kept by a cat, Cleocat.

seniorWhen I moved here, I retired, but manage to fill in my time with a one afternoon a week volunteer job, Taoist Tai Chi classes, and also taking academic classes through Seniors College Association of Nova Scotia. In between, I just enjoy being in Halifax, enjoy The Kids, and just thoroughly enjoy Life.


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Barneys Bucksaws

Researcher U168710


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