Oooh la la! C'est moi!

Hallo there! My name is Sarah and I am an eighteen year old student from Burnley in Lancashire. I'm just finishing my A-Levels at Blackburn College where I am studying Chemistry, Physics, Maths and Further Maths. Ug!

Anyhoo, that's the boring bit over with. I ende up here because I saw Douglas Adams on BBC Breakfast talking about the "Games to play in a queue at a supermarket check-out" bit and, since I have the mind-numbingly boring job of working for the evil WHSmith as a "Customer Service Assistant" (job description - I stand at the till and look slightly-pissed-off most of the time and lay on the patience and "sincerity" with a trowel for any poor soul who is misguided enough to chose my till). Anyway, I found the "games to play when you're SERVING on a check-out" and I was there you go.

I'm also here because I owe the guide for introducing me to the idea that there were such things as comedy books. My favourite books are the amazing "Catch-22" by Joseph Heller, "The Restaurant at the End of the Universe" by Mr.Adams (of course), "The Complete "Winnie-the-Pooh" by A.A.Milne and just about anything by George Orwell.

I like the usual slighty-touched-and-slighty-obsessive-science-student things:

1) The Tweenies - my favourite is Fizz!
2) Star Trek - especially Deep Space Nine
3) The Simpsons - if the human race makes contact with an alien race anytime soon I nomiate Homer to be sent as an ambassador to demonstrate what the average human being is like!
4) Musicals - stage or screen - my favourite is "my Fair Lady" with Rex Harrisson and Audrey Hepburn, I also love "Evita", "South Pacific", "Singin' in the Rain", etc.
5) Short-Jewish-American-Actors - this is highly disturbing, no?
6) I think I'm tuning into one of these "I would sell my house and all its contents to help the BBC" people...I am OBSESSED with Auntie -especially the news.

Well, that was a little more than you needed to know and I wanted to tell you so...toodles!


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