Z Phantom

smiley - flyhiZ Phantom, an Ex-ACE, ex-guru, bringer of Boring and Dull Books [BADB], patron saint of learning and an angel who missed his own party. welcomes you smiley - towelsmiley - flyhi

I Survived Single Sign-on

The H2G2 Philosophers Guildcould put something witty here, which would be the point....but I wont.
Trying to answer all those questions about life

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I'm BACK! after my (even)long(er) absence i have returnithed!

So what have i been doing all this time you ask???
Well I'm a SQL programmer for a large energy company,

I'm a player at The only regularly run cyber punk LARP in the country!

Im a player on The worlds largest MUD

And I spawned - thats right, I have a phantom-ling!

Flashes of Inspiration

In Need of Help???

just leave a message for me below (click on "discuss this entry") and i'll try and get an answer too you ASAP. smiley - online2long

Or you could try a different Angel, Thingite, Philosopher or Ace Please choose a group to go to...ACE'sAngelsh2g2 Philosopher'sThingite's

Z P watch out.....


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Z Phantom

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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