Hello. My name is Willem van der Merwe, I live in South Africa, and I am twenty nine years old. I am now back home after a stay of nineteen days in a psychiatric clinic. I suffer from a mental illness - paranoid schizophrenia, according to the doctors. This makes my life rather complicated and puts a bit of a constraint on my options. I have to use medication that I don't like very much, but with that I can live. I want to say one thing: I love people again. I will dedicate my life to Love ... for those close to and those far from me, and those in between. I will make a change in my life. I will again reach out to people. Apart from medications, and psychotherapy, I will also from inside myself try to work to overcome my paranoia. The world cannot be all bad. People neither. I will focus on the good ... and right now I know that there's a *lot* of it.

What do I do? Well, I'm an artist. I paint, and I sketch. I enjoy nature immensely, so most of my art is natural scenes, plant and animal life. However, I also do portraits of people, in pencil. I get quite a lot of commissions. I also do retouching of bad or old photographs. Not making much money with that, but I'm very good with it!

I also enjoy photography. It helps to supply me with reference material for my art. Because I can do retouching, I can make a lot of my not-so-good shots look really professional! Furthermore I also enjoy hiking in wild areas. I have that to thank for a lot of my knowledge and experience of wildlife. People tell me I'm quite a good tour guide for people who enjoy the wilderness experience! I don't do that for money though, just for good friends!

I am very health conscious. I don't smoke, don't drink caffeine or alchohol, don't use any recreational drugs. I only use the drugs I need to use to control my schizophrenia. I also don't eat meat ... I'm an ovo-lacto-vegetarian. So I eat eggs and dairy products, and fruit and vegetables. I also do weight training six days a week. I'm interested more in strength than in fitness, but I have a fair degree of endurance, and my heart is in good condition. I want to live *extremely* long, because there is *so much* I still want to do! I still want to write books ... *many* of them ... and I want to illustrate them myself! I also would like to make music one day!

If you want to email me:

Here you can find my h2g2 alter ego:


And here is yet another account of mine:


Here is a place where I hope to be working a lot:


Please visit my own website, where you can see photographs of me, of my cats, of animals and plants, and some of my paintings and computer art, including pictures of Valerie and Vivienne, and art and stories by Valerie:

My Front Page

Please check out LeKZWorld, the site of my friends collectively called Leïlah el Khalil Zendavesta, MAR:


Here are some people whom I will probably be talking to a lot:

Please check out LeKZWorld, the site of my friends collectively called Leïlah el Khalil Zendavesta, MAR:



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