Welcome to Happy Valley


A bad day in the field is better than a good day in Crouse.
John Peck, quite often
Which begs the metaphysical questions: Do you believe in God, and do you believe that God created the universe based on integer fractions?
Rudy Slingerman, in lecture

A meteor shower

I am Lumien Swift in the Magicians Guild!

éLady High Healeré
ééIn the Magician's Guild. éé

Awk! I made High Council! How did that happen?

Shadow Realm
Visit us at A2438750

The SAS badge with a camouflaged soldier in the background

About Me

Well, first of all, up until the end of August, I lived in Ohio. My sincerest apologies to the rest of the world for fouling up the most recent election.

Still, Ohio isn't all too horribly bad: we've got glacial grooves, fossiliferous Paleozoic limestone, the Tiger Salamander (if the developers don't destroy it first), some nifty rivers, and the world's largest geode (Crystal Cave, on Kelly's Island). So There!

If you haven't guessed by now, I'm a geology student. I graduated from the University of Akron, and I'm going for my MS at Penn State. Mountains really are so much better for geology!smiley - scientist

I own a Mac (Windows Nazis can leave now), and I'd recommend it to anyone! I will learn UNIX... eventually smiley - erm. Anyone with suggestions here would be very much welcomed.

I'm a pretty good cook, and I'd be willing to trade recipessmiley - chef

What else? I like skiing at when I can in the winter. I also like SCUBA diving, though it's been a very long time since I last went. Attempted surfing once. Got a black eye. I like animation, music (especially local- The Clarks and The Black Keys are my favorites), and sci-fi/fantasy in moderation- except for Stargate. I can take any amount of Stargate. Lately I've been trying to draw again, and I'm getting pretty good at it. I am also a Sub-Ed, and I will eventually put a link up.

If you'd like to get in touch with me, my MSN screen name is geogirl82@hotmail.com. I'll be on a lot more now. Promise.

Stuff I have written

A jellyfish - Graphic by Community Artist Jimster

My series on Yellowstone

A waterfall in Yellowstone Park.
  • The Origins of Yellowstone National Park
  • Yellowstone National Park and Pre-European Archaeology
  • European Exploration
  • More soon....

    About Tracer

    A wolfTracer is the wolf that's been folowing me around since my days wandering about in the Forest of Bad Odds of Returning. I don't really know where he came from or why he's here. But he seems to like me, and I'm glad, because I sure wouldn't want to be on his bad side. Better say hi.


    Procrastinators Society
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    1OK- not famous or last, but they're words! George Bush can get away with it, so can I!


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