The Pleasant Platitudes of Pheroneous P

Welcome to my corner of this strange and unlikely world. I am (see below) sometimes busy assembling a little body of pieces for your entertainment, delight, puzzlement and comment. Comment, especially, would be greatly appreciated.

I am delighted to find that in this new incarnation I have access to my former self.

I promise to be good(ish). Possibly. And, I will try and get around, read and comment as usefully as I can on as much as I can. I'm not very good at keeping up with threads. Sorry. So, mostly I'll be here, trying to teach myself to write a bit.

And, as for you , I simply ask you to "Strive to be happy"1 that being the most pleasant platitude that I can come up with at the moment.

With apologies to Mr Donleavy2

I have put a collection of my stories together in an ebook entitled "Mr. P (and George)" . You can find it, should you wish to, on a website named for a long river in South America, in the kindle section. It would cost you a dollar or its equivalent in real money. Of course you could read them all here, in their raw state, but all polished and shiny is so very much better.

Breaking news:- Now available in paperback at Lulu. Please feel free to add to my bulging coffers.

1from "Desiderata", the pile of platitudes that should adorn most lavatory walls2The Beastly Beatitudes of Balthazar B by JP Donleavy


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Pheroneous II

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