Too Old to Compete - but I can still dream.

Me, Myself and INostalgia ain't what it used to be!

It Was Long Ago But Wasn't Far Away.

   As a (well) over 21 year old Taxi Driver in Edinburgh, I'm a confirmed lurker who has decided it's time I came out into the light and allowed the world a chance to appreciate my brilliance.smiley -

   Having served an apprenticeship in electronics (if I can call it that as I can remember using vacuum tubes and the introduction of the first integrated circuit chips). I got into Taxi Driving as a short term time-filler after the firm I worked for was bought over and I jumped before I was pushed. That was about 1990!

   Other things I can remember include the Acorn Atom, BBC Micro and the Atari ST. Then followed my first PC and I've never really recovered since.smiley -

   I have been quietly messing about on the web for some time now and my one claim to fame is being involved with running the website for the 70 Wild Miles charity Triathlon. This explains where the first part of my nickname comes from.

   In case anyone wonders what changes a lurker of long standing into a full blown and committed (at least SHE WHO RULES says I should be committed) researcher - in my case it was finally deciding to cough up the cash and get broadband!

     p.s. 22 + 5(1+1*3)    or     2*(25-(1*(1+3)))

Some of my Interests Here

DOS: "Believe nothing, consider everything!"

ARS: I don't believe it!

The Royal h2g2 Geographical Institute

The Royal H2G2 Historians Society

People United in Defence of Depression, Irritability and Natural Grumpiness. [P.U.D.D.I.N.G.]

League Of Obsessive Nitpickers.

The H2G2 Researcher Team @ Distributed Proofreading

The H2G2 team on Cancer Research

The American Football Forum

Intransigent Demagogue Incarnate - Outer Territories. (IDIOT for short) [FFFF]

Entries with my name on

And, of course, messing about with GML in this Introduction.

70 Wild Miles charity Triathlon A1105507I Survived Single Sign-on

Random Entry | Newbies! | Statistics | Peer Review | Reverse order PR | Coming up | Character Codes | American Football

The Post | The Open Debating Society | So long, and thanks for laughing | Handy Latin Phrases | Geographers | Historians


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Wildman - I'm not really mad, I've just been in a very bad mood for 40 years!

Researcher U225113

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