Katsy....just Katsy

Welcome to my, um, space...

Well I REALLY dont know what to put here....any sugestions?

OK I'll do the typical stuff...

Name: Esti (or Katsy)

DOB: 20/1/86 making me sweet 16

Location: Southend on Sea in the UK

Fave bands: Manic Street Preachers, The WiLDHEARTS, The Cooper Temple Clause, Muse, 'A', Papa Roach, Linkin Park (yes, ive got a strange range in music taste), Ash, and the Sex Pistols

Ambition: to become a rawk star. *lmfao*
MSN: esti_kat_2001@hotmail.com
ICQ: 74112013
AOL: estikat2001
Yahoo (but i dont use it much): estikat2001 or i_live_in_urban_hell


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Katsy a.k.a. Esti

Researcher U50436


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